Monday, October 31, 2011

Holy shit its been a day or two

Hey guys - Sorry its been so long since I've posted, not alot happened on the painting front till thursday evening. I went and bought some white primer and some different colored washes to try something.

This to be specific,

I folowed the directions pretty close, changed a couple of colors ( my orks are purple and have orange.. )

This is what I came up with.

This last one is basically done, I finished him up, detailed the weapons a little. It looks good i think but dont think i'll continue painting them this way. too much mixing of paints, and less room for error.

Friday was a good day, I got my order in, here it is!

Its ok you can be a little Jealous - There 3 Trukks, 1 Battlewagon, 3 Boxes of Lootas, and a box of nobz

I got right to it on friday, after spending a little time with my little brother, and helping him with his halloween costume. and started my Trukk, I didn't take any pictures of it while I was painting, I wanted to get it done and make sure I liked it. Which I surely did.

There are a couple things left to do, I need to weather the bottom half of the model so that it looks like its been drivin thru the mud, I'm also going to magnetize the Boarding planks and put them on. I've not decided what i want to do about the wreckin ball. I'm going to paint it but i dont know if it wil lmake it to the model.

So with the finished trukk, this brings everything i have to put together, and paint to 20 Lootas, 5 Meks, 5 Nobz, 2 Trukks, 1 Battlewagon. Should be alot of fun though.

Thanks for reading!

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