Thursday, June 7, 2012

More stuff finished!!

Hey guys -

So I got home last night and buckled down hard and got 10 boyz painted. (the trukk in the picture was already done.)

I Also added a couple pictures of the Mad Dok that I painted for a painting contest on another blog. You guys should check it out, he's got some pretty sick bases on there.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Ok guys - I need help from you. I've got a whole bunch of boxes to build. But I also have a whole ton not painted.

I've always been a fan of paint as you go, but I have dug myself kinda deep from buying used models for the cheap. I probably have somewhere in the vicinity of  140 models that are built but not painted. or only partially painted.

So my question is this guys, do I paint what i've got built, or build everything, then just nut up and start painting? Or do i build a box of something, then paint 2x the models that are in that box. I just don't know guys....