Thursday, June 7, 2012

More stuff finished!!

Hey guys -

So I got home last night and buckled down hard and got 10 boyz painted. (the trukk in the picture was already done.)

I Also added a couple pictures of the Mad Dok that I painted for a painting contest on another blog. You guys should check it out, he's got some pretty sick bases on there.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Ok guys - I need help from you. I've got a whole bunch of boxes to build. But I also have a whole ton not painted.

I've always been a fan of paint as you go, but I have dug myself kinda deep from buying used models for the cheap. I probably have somewhere in the vicinity of  140 models that are built but not painted. or only partially painted.

So my question is this guys, do I paint what i've got built, or build everything, then just nut up and start painting? Or do i build a box of something, then paint 2x the models that are in that box. I just don't know guys....

Thursday, May 31, 2012

More stuff comming!

Hey Guys - Long time since I've posted, and for that I'm sorry. But with the news of the new fliers coming this weekend. I figured I would start posting again.

So this weekend I'm actually buying quite a bit. Here is what I have in mind. These are all kits not individual models.

  • 3 Bommas
  • 4 Lootas
  • 4 Storm boyz
  • 1 Zaggstrukk
  • 2 Troop/transport kits with boyz/trukks ( My LGS still has a couple of these floating around. that I plan on picking up )
  • 1 Battlewagon
  • 1 Big Mek with KFF
I will try and take pictures this week as I go along, I'm going to get my wife to help me get into the habit of taking pictures.

I have completed a lot of stuff, including some Kans, some bikes, and more trukks. I will try and get some pictures of all the stuff I've got finished this next week as well. 

Thanks for reading! and more pictures will come!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So here we are with an update of my first commission paint job. I'm painting my buddies bugs for him - So without furthur ado here are some pictuers!!

 So here is what I've done, and all the stuff he's asked me to do. I'm saving the Trygon for last, as its the most appealing model to me.

 The gargoyles are obviously far from finished, I dont know how to paint the webbing of their wings just yet.

Monday, February 27, 2012

More Wazzy, and BIKES!

Hey guys - Figured I needed to post some stuff of my bikes. And seeing as I've finished my wazdakka build, and he's ready for paint, You guys need a picture of that.

 Here he is balancing on his new base! This is a rough idea of what he's going to look like based up and everything.

 Couple shots of his base all painted up and ready for him when he's done.
AAAND his buddies on bikes! Got alot of nobz in there so i can run em as nob bikers if i want. Theres even a bike that has a Kombi-Flamer in there. :)

Gotta put my Boyz on the back burner, finishing up the bugs i'm painting for my buddy, He bought me an airbrush to pay for them. So i'll get those busted out this week, I'll take some pics tonight, of all i got to paint and where I'm at on all of them :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wazzdakka Gutsmek

So while I have been neglecting my blogging responsibilities I've been working hard on modeling and painting. I've recently been working on a Wazzdakka Gutsmek model, and I must say I've been enjoying every minute of it. I have somewhere around 20 hours tied up in construction so far, and most of that was planning. or sawing as I'm using a puter warboss body. I still need to find some wheels, I dont think i'm quite ready to attempt making some, But i'm thinking the wheels off of a battle wagon, or a Trukk should do nicely. and I have a few coming my way.

Without Further Adieu here are some pictures I snapped with my phone real quick.

In this one you can see where i'm going to put some more Dakka, and I might try throwing a couple guns on both sides of the big kannon in the front.

Its going to be fun to paint, I'll be sure to post some more pictures of it painted.